ActiVue®Blind Spot Information System

BSIS (Blind Spot Information System), for Commercial vehicle blind spot warning system.

ActiVue AI SPC


BSIS (Blind Spot Information System), for Commercial vehicle blind spot warning system.
In recent years, "Blind Spot of driving vision" and " Difference of Radius Between Inner Wheels " often cause serious accidents . AUTOEQUIPS ActiVue® AI, the risk of accidents decreased greatly. ActiVue® AI protect VRU safety and avoid higher costs from accidents

In 2019.11 EU approval New General Safety Regulations, applies to vehicle of N2、N3、M2 and M3 , become to CVs safety components of standard ( BSIS and MOIS ) . 2022.07 ,
The United Nations require UN-R151 (BSIS) as standard equipment for CVs

When the vehicle is driving, ActiVue® AI proactive alerts to drivers "vulnerable road users" in risky situation. "Vulnerable road users" include pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.

AUTOEQUIPS ActiVue® AI, leading the industry with AI and excellent algorithm technology to achieve UN R151 requirements. Integrated microwave radar technology
, achieve more safer CVs R151 product. ActiVue® AI even under 15lux at night,harsh weather and any environments , provided sound and visual signals in risk , It is possible to avoid collisions.

Compliance Certifications

Salt Spray